Diakonia Series Learning Path: LA Congress
Christ, King and Lord of the universe, made himself the servant of all, for he came “not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (cf. Luke 20:28) For the Christian, “to reign is to serve him,” particularly when serving the poor and the suffering, in whom the Church recognizes the image of her poor and suffering founder. The People of God fulfills its royal dignity (cf. 1 Peter 2:9) by a life in keeping with its vocation to serve with Christ. (CCC, 786) The Diakonia Series extends to us an invitation to a life of service by imitating Christ, our Lord. Welcome to Diakonia Series.
Here is the class outline:
1. Introducing Diakonia SeriesThe Diakonia Series is a learning path grounded on the principles and impetus of the Catholic Social Teachings (CST). 1 section
2. Synodality: Church Coming TogetherThe Church is synodal in nature and character. 9 sections
3. Culture Wars & Religious ConflictsHow do we resolve the conflicts that arise from our cultural and religious differences? What can solidify us as a global community of faith? 10 sections
4. Human Dignity & Humane RightsWe are created good. How easily do we lose this sense of dignity and honor? Let us not stop being humane. 10 sections
5. Option for the Poor & the VulnerableThe heart of Christ goes out in compassion to the poor and the most vulnerable among us. Do we also do the same? 10 sections
6. Labor Equality & Rights of WorkersWork dignifies the worker, no matter what kind of work a person does. Do you believe in equal labor and the protection of worker's rights? 10 sections
7. Global Solidarity and the Common GoodWhen we week the common good, we build the kingdom of love, justice, peace and global solidarity. 10 sections
8. Care for God's Creation & Green StewardshipWith great urgency, we must seriously embrace the role of good stewards of God's creation and aspire to restore our green earth. 10 sections
9. Church's Response to Humanitarian CrisesThe Church listens to the cries of God's people suffering from the crises of poverty, starvation, war, displacement and many more. Where do you stand in all of these? 10 sections
10. Christian Business Sense & Work ExcellenceThere is a quote that say, "excellence with a soul, competence with compassion," putting spirituality in the workplace. 9 sections
11. The Prophetic Voice of Catholic Social TeachingsThe Catholic social teachings are grounded from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the proclamation of the Good News. 10 sections
12. Church & Politics: Meddling or Moral Responsibility?The Church as the sacrament of Christ in the world is involved in the affairs of the human society. 10 sections
13. Digital Catechesis & the New E-VangelizationThe wonders of modern technology become an effective channel to bring about the wonders of our faith. 10 sections
14. Diakonia Series SummaryJesus' example of humble service is the true model of all the ministries we do. All for the glory of God. 1 section
The following certificates are awarded when the class is completed:
Certificate of Completion - Diakonia Series |