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Salvator Series Learning Path: LA Congress

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The Salvator Series highlights the plan of deliverance in the heart of God. Man fell by the ditches, and we are mired by sin. We need a redeemer to save us from the ultimate downfall. Indeed, there is no greater love than this: to offer one's life for a friend. Fulfilling the will of the Father, Jesus offered his life in Calvary, only to be resurrected on the third day. Jesus’ resurrection inaugurated a new life shared to us. His great commissioning remains a challenge for us, to continue the work of salvation and redemption in our contemporary contexts. Welcome to the Salvator Series.

Here is the class outline:

1. Introducing Salvator Series

"Who do you say that I am?" This is Jesus' most probing question to his apostles, and even now, to every believer, every follower, every Christian. Would you be able to answer him with clarity and certainty? As you encounter Jesus in this journey, he will guide you along the way and lead you close to him. The closer you get to him, the more you will encounter obstacles and blocks orchestrated by the evil geniuses to break you down. Don't let this happen! For as long as you stay by Jesus' side, you will conquer evil with good like he did. Welcome to the Salvator series!

Welcome to Salvator Series

2. Jesus' Humble Beginnings

A joyful birth. In a simple place. Of a little town. On a silent night. That is how the new life of Jesus Christ began. He is the son of Mary and Joseph, yet he is also the Son of God.

Entry: Praise - Go Tell it To the Mountains
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Jesus and Herod
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Jesus and Herod
Explore: Jesus' Humble Beginnings
Explore Further: Discuss the Plight of the Holy Family
Elaborate: Saint James the Apostle
Evaluate: Humility vs Pride
Evaluate: Complete Worksheet
Enact: Live It Up!
Eu-Charis: The Humility of Jesus

3. Jesus' Growing Up

It is in the context of family that Jesus grew up as a young Jewish boy in Nazareth. Nurtured by a community of faith, he developed wisdom and grace in the most ordinary circumstances.

Entry: Praise - Prayer of the Holy Family
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Jesus Growing Up
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Jesus Growing Up.
Explore: Jesus' Growing Up
Explore Further: The Early Years of Jesus' Life
Elaborate: Saint Philip
Evaluate: The Obedience of Jesus
Enact: Discerning God's Will
Eu-Charis: Jesus is Inviting You

4. Jesus' Initiation at Jordan

At the Jordan river, Jesus received the Father's confirmation of who he truly is - the Beloved Son of God.

Entry: Praise - When Jesus Comes To Be Baptized
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Jesus’ Baptism & Temptations
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Jesus Baptism and Temptations.
Explore: Jesus' Initiation at Jordan
Elaborate: Saint Bartholomew
Evaluate: The Essentials of Baptism
Enact: Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Eu-Charis: Drawn Closer to God

5. Jesus and Friendship

"A friend loves at all times." Is this the kind of friend Jesus was to his apostles? Have you ever considered him as a friend, a real good friend?

Entry: Praise - Jesus Help Me
Entry: Praise - Oceans by Hillsong (Lops)
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Jesus Walking on Water
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Jesus Walking on Water.
Explore: Jesus and Friendship
Elaborate: Saint Jude Thaddeus
Evaluate: Sharing and Fellowship
Enact: We Have A Friend in Jesus
Eu-Charis: Paragon of True Friendship

6. The Vocation of Jesus

Every person is called to be who he or she is created for according to God's divine purpose. Jesus Christ is called to be the Promised Messiah and the Savior of the world.

Entry: Praise - Prayer For Vocation
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Moses Part 2
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Moses Part 2
Explore: Jesus' Vocation
Elaborate: Saint Andrew
Evaluate: Discern Our Vocation
Enact: You Are Called by Name
Eu-Charis: Our Courageous Yes to God

7. Jesus' Mission

Jesus Christ is the Good News. His mission is to build the Father's kingdom on earth through his powerful words and mighty works.

Entry: Praise - The Kenosis of Jesus Christ
Engage: Flipbook - The Parable of the Wicked Servants
Engage: Parallax Video - The Parable of the Wicked Tenants.
Explore: Jesus' Mission
Elaborate: Saint Matthew
Evaluate: The Power of Jesus' Words and Deeds
Enact: Create Your Spiritual Goal
Eu-Charis: Resting in God's Presence

8. Christ's Passion

In Jesus Christ's great suffering, we find the fortitude and endurance to face all kinds of trials and tribulations that come our way.

Entry: Praise - Have Mercy O Lord
Engage: Flipbook - The Plotting Against Jesus’ Life
Engage: Parallax Video - The Plotting of Jesus Life.
Explore: Jesus' Passion
Elaborate: Saint Simon the Zealot
Evaluate: The Cross of Redemption
Enact: Meditate on Jesus' Pain and Suffering
Eu-Charis: Heroic Sacrifice

9. Jesus' Death

There is glory in the cross of Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life so that we might be saved.

Entry: Praise - Were You There
Engage: Flipbook - Jesus Ordeal: Gethsemani to Calvary
Engage: Parallax Video - Jesus Ordeal: Gethsemani to Calvary
Explore: Jesus' Death
Elaborate: Saint James the Less
Evaluate: Because Jesus Loved Us
Enact: An Offering at the Foot of the Cross
Eu-Charis: Sacrificial Love

10. Christ's Resurrection

Jesus Christ gives us eternal hope in his glorious resurrection. There is no room for despair, darkness and death in him. He has conquered them all.

Entry: Praise - Alleluia Sing to Jesus
Engage: Flipbook - The Resurrection Story: The Open Tombs
Engage: Parallax Video - Resurrection Story: The Open Tombs.
Explore: Jesus' Resurrection
Elaborate: Saint Matthias
Evaluate: The Gift of Easter
Enact: Witnesses of the Risen Lord
Eu-Charis: The Victory of God

11. Jesus' Ascension

In his Ascension, Jesus revealed the radiant glory of his divinity. His throne belongs in heaven with the Father and the Spirit.

Entry: Praise - Let the Earth Rejoice and Sing
Engage: Flipbook - The Ascension Event
Engage: Parallax Video - The Ascension Event of Jesus
Explore: Jesus' Ascension
Elaborate: Saint John
Evaluate: Back to the Father's Home
Enact: Encounters with Jesus
Eu-Charis: Rejoicing in Glory

12. The Promise of Jesus

There is power in Jesus' words and deeds. His promise of the Holy Spirit's coming empowered his disciples, and they became his living witnesses.

Entry: Praise - A Meditation by Cardinal Newman
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Elijah the Prophet
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Prophet Elijah
Explore: Jesus' Promise
Elaborate: Saint Doubting Thomas
Evaluate: Fulfillment of Christ's Promises
Enact: Honoring Your Promise
Eu-Charis: True Riches That Await Us

13. The Great Commissioning

"Go out and proclaim the Good News to all the earth." Jesus commissioned his disciples to continue the work of evangelization and salvation.

Entry: Praise - Litany of the Way
Engage: Flipbook - Selected Teachings from the Letters of St. Paul
Engage: Parallax Video - Selected Teachings from the Letters of Paul
Explore: Jesus' Commissioning
Elaborate: Saint Peter
Evaluate: Go Tell the World
Enact: Spread the Love
Eu-Charis: Be an Evangelizer!

14. Salvator Series Summary

Walking closely with Jesus Christ in this Salvator series has given you a chance to actively participate in his work of redemption. This is your lifetime challenge as his disciple.

Eu-Charis for Salvator Series
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