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Formatio Series Learning Path: LA Congress

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God calls humanity to seek him, to know him, and to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. (CCC, 1) The Formatio Series is a staircase that leads us to the fullness of the Christian faith. This Series deals with the fundamental formation of a Christian: from knowing oneself to understanding how to resolve conflicts the Christian way. It is sheer grace that we begin to know and understand ourselves and the world around us. When we couple it with our own determination and commitment, our knowing and understanding becomes more profound. Welcome to Formatio Series.

Here is the class outline:

1. Introducing Formatio Series

As you begin this journey, may your mind and heart be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to discover who you are in God's eyes.

Welcome to Formatio Series

2. Knowing the Self

One of the hardest lessons in life is to know oneself. Welcome to the journey.

Knowing the Self
Entry: Praise - The Lord's Prayer Doxology
Engage: The Story of Noah
Engage: The Story of Noah
Explore: Knowing the Self/Self-Identity
Team Discussion: Reflect and Share
Elaborate: St. Charles Lwanga
Evaluate: Knowing Self
Enact: Take Action
Eu-Charis: I Am God's Child, Unique and Irreplaceable

3. Knowing Others

To get to know the other is an act of humility. It allows us to move to a different world beyond ourselves.

Knowing Others
Entry: Praise - The Magnificat
Engage: Parallax Video - The Parable of the Wise & Foolish Builder
Engage: Flipbook - The Parable of the Wise & Foolish Builders
Explore: Knowing Others
Elaborate: Saint Louise de Marillac
Evaluate: Getting Familiar with Friendship and Modesty
Enact: Sprinkling Love Everywhere
Eu-Charis: The Golden Rule in Action

4. Knowing Parents & Authority

Parents are entrusted with the responsibility to bring their children close to God.

Knowing Parents & Authority
Entry: Praise - Memorare
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Rich Man and Lazarus
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Explore: Knowing Our Parents and Authority
Elaborate: Saint Francis of Assisi
Evaluate: Knowing Your Elders
Enact: Thank You, Dear Parents and Teachers!
Eu-Charis: Doing the Grander Thing

5. Knowing Society & the World

It is important to realize that every person has a part in building the society and the bigger world.

Entry: Praise - Guardian Angel Prayer
Engage: Parallax Video - The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Engage: Flipbook - The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Explore: Knowing Society and Building the World
Elaborate: Saint Pedro Calungsod
Evaluate: Freedom and Social Justice
Enact: My Creative Illustration of Our Fallen World
Eu-Charis: Together, We can Do So Much

6. Knowing Church and Church Leaders

The Church guides our faith to grow and mature, and our leaders follow the way of Christ in love and service.

Entry: Praise - Apostles Creed
Engage: Parallax Video - The Road to Emmaus
Engage: Flipbook - The Road to Emmaus Story
Explore: Knowing the Church and Church Leaders
Elaborate: Saint Dominic de Guzman
Evaluate: Getting Familiar with the Church
Enact: Praying for Our Church Leaders
Eu-Charis: Animated by the Holy Spirit!

7. Knowing Political Governance

Civil and political leaders are called to become servant leaders as they govern.

Entry: Praise - Act of Contrition
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Zaccheus
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Zaccheus, the Tax Collector
Explore: Knowing Youth and Political Governance
Elaborate: Saint Edith Stein
Evaluate: Authority and the Catholic Church
Enact: Human Life is Precious
Eu-Charis: Can't Shirk Your Earthly Responsibilities

8. Understanding Works of Mercy

Doings works of mercy is a concrete way to follow Jesus' way of love and service.

Entry: Praise - Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Engage: Parallax Video - The Amazing Works of Jesus
Engage: Flipbook - The Amazing Works of Jesus
Explore: Understanding Works of Mercy
Elaborate: Dalai Lama
Evaluate: The Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
Enact: Praying for the Sick
Eu-Charis: The Unquestionable Proof You Love Jesus

9. Understanding Basic Courtesy and Manners

Learning basic courtesy and good manners develops character and respect for self and others.

Entry: Praise - Prayer to the Blessed Mother
Engage: Parallax Video - The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids & the Use of Talents
Engage: Flipbook - The Parables of the Ten Bridesmaids and the Use of Talents
Explore: Understanding Basics of Courtesy and Manners
Elaborate: Thomas a Kempis
Evaluate: Good Manners for the Win!
Enact: Thanking Your Inspirations
Eu-Charis: Transformed by the Spirit!

10. Understanding Social Media

The proper use of social media can bring positive and enriching experiences.

Entry: Praise - Litany of the Blessed Mother
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Abraham's Calling
Engage: Flipbook - The Call of Abraham
Explore: Understanding Social Media
Elaborate: Blessed Giacomo Alberione
Evaluate: Social Media - Yay or Nay?
Enact: My Social-Media-Themed Catholic Poster
Eu-Charis: The Gem of Temperance

11. Understanding Peer Pressure

Part of growing up is learning how to handle peer pressure in a constructive way.

Entry: Praise - Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas
Engage: Parallax Video - The Parable of the Sower
Engage: Flipbook - The Parable of the Sower
Explore: Understanding Peer Pressure
Elaborate: Nick Vujicic
Evaluate: Peer Pressure and Blessed Carlo Acutis
Enact: Inner Freedom versus Outer Pressures
Eu-Charis: You're Called for Something Greater

12. Understanding Interreligious Dialogue

Open conversations with various people of faiths is an invitation to build unity in diversity.

Entry: Praise - Anima Christi
Engage: Parallax Video - The Story of Jonah
Engage: Flipbook - The Story of Jonah
Explore: Understanding Inter-Religious Dialogue
Elaborate: Bishop Benny Tudtud
Evaluate: Getting Familiar with Interreligious Dialogue
Enact: The Goodness in Other Religions
Eu-Charis: Love the Jews. Love the Muslims. Love All.

13. Understanding Conflict Resolution

Conflict can either make or break relationships. Good communication is a sure way to deal conflicts well.

Entry: Praise - Peace Prayer of St. Francis
Engage: Parallax Video - Wise Words from the Book of Psalms Part 1
Engage: Flipbook - Wise Words from the Book of Psalms Part-1
Explore: Understanding Conflict Resolution
Elaborate: Bartolome de las Casas
Evaluate: The Ground Rules of Conflict Resolution
Enact: It's Time to Patch Up!
Eu-Charis: I'm Not Made for Comfort. I'm Made for Greatness!

14. Formatio Series Summary

It is with great hope that this journey has deepened your connection with self, others, community, society, the world at large and most of all, your connection with the God of creation.

Eu-Charis For Formatio Series


The following certificates are awarded when the class is completed:

Certificate of Completion - Formatio Series
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